Is it that time again already….

Hello everyone allow me to introduce myself… My name is Tracey and I am a slacker! Yes.. I put off things that should have been done last week… Hangs head in shame..


Of course if you give me enough time I will come up with an excuse for every single thing I have and will be putting off in the coming weeks… I am good like that! LOL

It is so hard to believe it is already December.. and that Christmas is around the corner… I have sooo much to still do! And yes I am no where near where I need to be. I knew I was gonna have issues when Thanksgiving rolled around and I had not even thought about getting my tree out or doing anything Christmasy(is that even a real word?) to my house.. Most of the time I am chomping at the bit by mid October to start putting things out… Sigh…

It just does not feel much like Christmas this year and for the life of me I am not sure why… I know the reason for the season.. and trust me I LOVE it all! I have always been a Christmas lover.. Some of my fondest memories revolve around Christmas and my goofy family.. the Church plays..every year my father dressing up as Santa for church and passing out gifts…dancingsanta_e0 I can still recall our preacher telling us that we had to sing Jingle Bells just a little louder or he may not come! Boy did we sing! It was our job to decorate the Christmas Trees at Church, and my grams house as well as our own. We were what you would call serious Tree decorators…

prettyxtreeOne of my most fondest memories..was then I was like 9 years old and the year before the twinkle lights had just come out and they only came in multi colors.. My dad and I decided we wanted clear lights but they were not available at the time, so we spent hours upon hours scraping all those tiny lights with blades and knives trying to get all the color off the bulbs! I have to say it was an awesome tree and I have been hooked on white lights from that point on…


Well I did spend last week working hard to play catch up and get my house some what Christmasy.. We had to redo all the wreaths this year with new picks and bows. I think they came out pretty nice. All seven of them. a_hangwreWe also had to redo the topiaries because someone cut the cord while outside working and had too much tude! LOL So we replaced all the lights on them and added some snowflakes and ice cycle lights.. They play music as well but we seldom turn those on as we do not want to drive everyone in the neighborhood nuts!

frostyshopAnd yes I even have my tree finished! I love trying to take pics of it, but with so many white lights, it is really hard to get a good shot that looks like the tree… most of my tree shots just look like a blur.. now comes the hardest part.. I have so much shopping to do and so little time.. I dread being one of those people out the last week of Christmas pushing and shoving and having to be apart of those horrible rude shoppers and have no manners… oh why oh why did I put it off… I need a 12 step program to help me so I never do this again.. Is there a 12 step program for procrastinators?


About drell3

People who know me would say I am nuts! Crazy! Silly! Honest! Loyal! I would say they are right.. but I am so much more... I am a Mother, Wife, Daughter, Friend, Cook, I could fill up this whole page.. I love my life.. I love my husband, I love my child! My family.. you thought i was gonna say my work! LOL NOT!!! I am on a journey... I am coming into my own.. discovering, learning..I am transforming.. one day I will get my butterfly wings.
This entry was posted in Christmas Lights, Christmas Wreaths, Chtristmas, family, Father, love, Loving family, making the best of it, reflexion, Santa. Bookmark the permalink.

7 Responses to Is it that time again already….

  1. Lyn Leahz says:

    I have missed you!!!!!! ♥♥♥♥

  2. coastalmom says:

    Me too! I have missed you… even though I have been gone too! lol…
    Thank you for sharing. I feel as if I am standing at your door with a tin of cookies! Your house looks so inviting!

    • drell3 says:

      Ha Ha Ha well come on girl! You bring the cookies and I’ll have tea , coffee and hot chocolate! I’ve missed you as well! Have a great holiday!

  3. Eddy says:

    That feeling you have is going around. We have decided not to put up any lights, trees, or whatever at my mom’s house. Frankly I put up house lights the past two years and my creativity this year is at an all time low. So we are letting my little nieces do that over at my brothers house…lol.

  4. drell3 says:

    Oh Eddy.. the sad truth is I think working at Wal-mart has really messed me up. I see all the greed and rudeness. It makes me just want to go into hibernation until it is all over.. On a brighter note however Christmas this year falls on my day off so I do not have to go in.. I hope you find some goodness and joy during this most wonderful time of the year….

  5. Wayne Augden says:

    Some people make it feel like Christmas all year long….When I read your posts I feel that kind of spirit moving within me. A spirit of joy, peace, and love… They make me smile, laugh, and I’m sure they’ve even caused someone to shed a tear, though never me. Thank you for sharing your loving, gentle, kind, and very good self through your writing. You touch us all. Merry Christmas.

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